
Thanksgiving…. a little late

I love thanksgiving, it’s one time of the year where we are really encouraged to be very thankful and to intentionally stop, look at life and be grateful. This year I have many things to be very grateful for; I have my wife Sonya without whom I don’t know what I would do, I have my three wonderful children who make me smile so often, we have my family and my in-laws all of whom are wonderful people that I am thankful for and God has blessed us with health and strength.

When I think of thanksgiving I’m also overcome with a sense of extreme gratitude for our clients without whom we wouldn’t have our business and without whom we would not be the people we are today. I feel so thankful for each one of you, you make me smile whenever I think of you, it’s an honour to know you as people and to have you as clients and I think the ultimate honour for us is when you refer us to your friends because then we know that we have been able to impact your lives in some way.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

This week I have a special thank you to send out, in the past few weeks I have had the honour of sharing in and capturing forever in print the nuptials of my cousins daughter, capturing the maternity and newborn images of both clients and close friends, creating family heirlooms in some family portrait sessions and of course our specialty capturing the beauty and mystery that is “woman”. This week I also had the opportunity to spend the best part of the day with a group of women that work together, the 4 of them decided to come in to do an Eve Session as a Christmas gift to the men in their lives who had everything, well almost everything. These men will soon find out they didn’t have what they wanted most, some amazing images of the women they love. Girls, thank you for an amazing time, I had so much fun with you as we laughed, texed back and forth to co-workers, talked about them, ate great food, drank good drinks (Pepsi for we, wine coolers for the girls) and created amazing images in one of the most fun sessions I’ve ever had here at the studio.

I’m trying to teach my kids to have an “Attitude of Gratitude” and instead of grumping about things to simply be thankful and as I try to live that out I find myself a happier and more fulfilled person; so thank you all for everything you do to make my life better, I really appreciate you more than you will ever know.



What every Mother should know...

Yesterday, I had ten minutes of really really really bad freak-out time. I yelled. I cried. (And eventually found it in my heart to forgive).

What I'd like to know is: "Why doesn't anyone tell you this in parenting books? Or when someone sells you a PC? If I had only known this one thing, I could've just laughed, pressed three keys and been on my merry way."

But no, I was in the middle of accounting and an important email when my 2.5 year-old son came by and with one swipe of his hand on my laptops's keys, turned my entire display upside-down! Do you know how hard it is to use the mouse when that happens, much less just trying to read the screen?

Well, after pain-stakingly closing all the windows and shutting down (all the while, muttering, fuming, griping, and trying to explain to my five-year-old why I am so angry) in hopes of it coming back on normal, I find that is futile. After releasing more pent-up emotion, I finally phone my husband at the studio just to vent. He does a couple internet searches and after one false start, I have the solution: Ctrl-Alt-up arrow. And {blip}, it's all good again. HUGE sigh of relief and a wee bit of sheepishness for flying off the handle right to the moon.

So, now, if this ever happens to you, you know what to do. Say it with me "Control, Alt, Up Arrow". (Maybe a couple of times). 'Cause if you know it, it's know big deal. But if you don't, it's NOT GOOD.

Have fun today!


School Days

Some of you know what this time of year brings. New school supplies (my favorite), a new routine that involves getting up entirely too early (although today was okay...helps when your young student wakes up on his own and is keen to get ready), and a change in the dynamics at home (less people trying to get along with each other...slightly more relaxed mommy...when she's not busy trying to get everything ready for bus-time). And of course, a learning of how to navigate the emotional issues that come with school, being available so those issues can surface, and learning the art of communication with those that work with your child balancing advocacy with compassion and understanding. Wow, this has just gotten pretty heavy-duty.

We had an excellent first day today. Nothing too stressful approaching launch-time and a day where I had the opportunity to focus on me and my youngest. This was good practice, as my middle child (my only daughter) is starting kindergarten on Monday. It is so hard to believe my second is starting school. I was desperately trying to rack my brain: what was it like to hold her when she was a baby, how did she talk when she was a toddler, how has she changed in the past year? It is amazing how these things slip from consciousness.

So, wherever you're at in your stage of motherhood, I urge you to take a little time to step back, breathe, and take it all in: the feel of your child on your lap or in your arms, the smell of their hair, the feel of their breath, the sound of their cries, laughs, and toddler-isms...write about if at all possible. Because you're going to forget. And the more things going on in your life, the more people you're caring for, the quicker the time seems to go. Everybody says this...and it is easy to ignore...but everyone says it because it's go into your sleeping baby's room and gaze at their round cheeks and soft eyelashes and drink it all in. Feel the weight of your tired eyelids that accompanies the depth of your love for your little one(s). And take a minute to be thankful. The time you're spending with this little person is time you'll never get again. And be kind to yourself and care for your needs, too. What you give to yourself is never wasted either.

Happy 09/09/09!



I have experienced some amazing service in the last two weeks or so from a couple of businesses. I thought I'd share them with you here, as they all could be very helpful to moms with small children.

  1. GemStar Insurance - Rodney just did some work for them, and so naturally, when our Autopac premium installment was due, he paid it there and dropped of the CD at the same time. Here's what I love about Ken Bull and his team at GemStar. First, he went out of his way to pay us on the spot for our work, even though the person who normally prints out the cheques was gone that day. Then, after we paid our Autopac, he asked us when he could quote on our home insurance. Well, it so happened that we were trying with little luck to shop it around as it was renewing the next day. He got us a quote and saved us $110 while giving us more coverage than we had before. But what is really amazing is that he was willing to do an installment plan for us on our terms and with no administration fee. AND, he was willing to pick up a payment when he was out and about if we needed that, since he couldn't provide online banking through his business. Now, I realize he knows us and trusts us and could offer that kind of service because we have a relationship...but this is the heartbeat of his business. A while back, he saved us because we had forgotten to renew our Autopac and he phoned it in for us while at a business meeting. They do renewals by fax and delivery if you want. They're located at 3034 Portage Ave. (but that's nearly irrelevant) and you can reach them at 889-1880.
  2. Bye Insurance - We have had our life insurance with them for quite awhile now. Recently, we received a call from them to see if we wanted to review our coverage. Well, we had been thinking of increasing coverage, and when we found out that they can do RESP's, we were psyched. We'd been procrastinating on that for too many years. (We had the kids' SIN numbers, but just hadn't finished the job). It turns out that the broker Rodney had seen before had a son who was just starting the business. Bryan, is a soft-spoken 22-year-old who just got married last year. He is great with kids (he read my daughter a book while I filled out paperwork) and is still able to be very flexible with appointments, coming out to our home either in the morning before Rodney went to work, or after the kids were in bed. He's a patient, no-pressure kind of guy. We both ended up increasing our coverage, and now we finally have an RESP in place as well. Good stuff! Bye Insurance is on Provencher and you can call 943-6367.
  3. The Green Cleaning Ladies - this is a brand new business comprised of a mother and daughter who want to use environmentally responsible products. I just had them clean my house and will be keeping them on weekly. It was a big decision to hire someone to clean for me, so I'm very happy to have found this new company. I love their friendliness and warmth. And they're experienced cleaners, too! I'm looking forward to this energy injection every week! Check out their ad and maybe you can enjoy a little peace and beauty, too...(but make sure you tell them who sent you, so I can get a free hour of cleaning, ok?) The number to call is 334-8176.

I know these descriptions were a bit lengthy (sorry), but I know in these busy times, it is SO helpful to use referrals instead of having to do your own research. Let me know your experience with these businesses if you use them.


My beans are growing. My kids are growing. Our business is growing. I am growing. It is exciting to see things develop.
It seems like when we had that prolonged cool weather, that our lives were reflecting that. I felt dormant. Yes, we were getting a lot of landscaping preparation done. That was a blessing to do minus the heat and mosquitoes. We did the major push for our "Just As I Am" project, which we're actually still accepting people for this week-end, and it was nice to have a quiet period in our business in order to focus on that. But my optimism, my physical energy, and my purpose were all very weak.
Now, it feels like we've regrouped our energies, and we're ready to branch out again. Stretching, expanding, reaching out, going deeper...and we anticipate a surge of growth that will bring our business to the next level. I believe this will happen as we do some inner work, find ways to feed our souls, and as we gather with supportive people.
These last two weeks have been interesting. I've been looking at energy in a number of different ways: learning about the fascinating way the body functions, taking more seriously how different things drain my energy, and looking for ways to boost my energy. One step I'm taking is using money to hire people to do things for me that aren't getting done easily and are dragging me down. It's a scary step, as I need to believe that more money will come when I do this to compensate (even abundantly more). But I am now willing to take the step and see it where it leads me. That, for me, is growth.
How are you growing?
(If anyone has a cleaning person or a bookkeeper they want to recommend, I'd love to hear it).


A Better Day

Do you ever go through a period of feeling really down, listless, foggy, and rather despairing? And then one day, it all lifts, your energy returns, and you can think clearly? Maybe you dip down again, but for that day you feel as sunny as a bright blue-sky day?

I just had that experience this week. It seems like for one week in particular every month, I still struggle with insomnia. It used to be quite ongoing but then I started taking supplements for my underactive thyroid. Anyways, one night of little sleep seems to be okay...I just function on adrenaline the next day and actually get quite a lot done. But when it starts adding up, I just go downhill really fast. But somehow, my perspective gets all out of whack and it feels like I have no energy, motivation, or focus EVER (which is pretty depressing). And it's not until the "sun comes out from behind the clouds", that I realize how unlike the real me that is.

Isn't it funny (well, not laugh-out-loud funny) that we can so quickly judge ourselves/pigeon-hold ourselves when we're not at our best (be it anxious, irritable, depressed, tired) and label ourselves, when really, our bodies are probably just saying "pay attention, something's not right...take care of me and I'll take care of you"? But instead, we often become more anxious, irritable, depressed and tired because we're down on ourselves for the way we're acting (or not acting).

I've been reading a very interesting book relating to health, that deals particularly with the energy of the body. From what I've learned, it seems that our bodies become undercharged or overcharged in certain areas when we over-do something (whether it's exercise, working, thinking or whatever). When we mix it up a little, our bodies function better.

So, taking 20 minutes in our massage chair is probably one of the best things I can do in the middle of my day. Or going for a short walk, or stopping to make a cup of tea, or spending 15 minutes playing with my kids in the middle of my work time. These days, it's so common for people to push through tiredness, or skip lunch, or be at the computer endlessly (or in stay-at-home terms, keep cleaning, keep making food, keep changing diapers, keep keeping up) without a break. But our bodies can't sustain that.

Well, speaking of bodies, I should get this body ready for bed. One of my friend's doctors said "There's no substitute for sleep". I need to get me some of that. Maybe I can have more days like today!


The Great Outdoors

What to say...first of all, sorry for letting this blog go untouched for so long. Computer work seems to be the last thing on my "favorite things to do" list with everything outside coming to life. We've been working on our yard a bit and taking pleasure in seeing the kids enjoy just being out there and using their imaginations. (I am so thankful the mosquitoes aren't out yet).

We created some raised beds this year. I'm finally getting some vermiculite today, so I'm anxious to get the seed in. This is the first time I've really direct-seeded anything, so we'll see how it goes. I'm planning for a butterfly mix in one bed, some cosmos, nasturtiums and some kind of grass in another, herbs, carrots, nasturtiums and beans in one, and lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, nasturtiums and marigolds in the last one. If we have a chance to make a spot for sunflowers I will plant them. Lots of yellow, orange and green. It makes me happy!

The other thing we're working on is our narrow side yard. It's been a bad weed patch up until now. We are planning a raised bed for the kids, a platform-deck for them to play house/set up a tent etc., and a pea gravel construction zone instead of a sand box. I read some interesting articles on creating outdoor spaces for children a while back and they encourage lots of natural materials to work with and spaces they can call their own. I'll try to include pictures once we're farther underway.


Rainy Day Fun

With the rain today, feeling a little under the weather myself, and having just put on a big event at our studio last night to unveil the images for our project "Just As I Am", I decided to lay low today. My little guy got up early and my school boy slept in, so I spent some time on the couch this morning and decided we were skipping school today.

At 8:30, I found myself making two batches of playdough. I made it once about three years ago, but hadn't even wanted to since. It was fun to see the colours develop. Kept the kids entertained for quite a while. (And we all know how good that is!)

Here's the recipe (there are many versions apparently, some without cream of tartar):

1 c. flour
1/2 c. salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 c. cold water
1 tbsp. cooking oil
food colouring

Cook all ingredients together over medium heat. It will be lumpy and hard to stir. Stir constantly until it begins to leave sides of pot. Remove from pot, then knead a few minutes. Store in an airtight container.

And here are some thoughts on rain from Sarah Ban Breathnach's "Romancing the Ordinary".

"Rain restores serenity to our daily endeavors because it slows us down, or it should. It's been my observation that when it rains, no one--from the dog to the boss--really expects much to happen or get done. This means we get to indulge in activities that would otherwise make us feel guilty--dawdling,idle conversation with coworkers, naps. "My, isn't the weather dreadful," we mutter as our frazzled bodies and restless spirits downshift with a sigh of relief.

Rediscovering the splendors of rain through your senses is a wonderful way to make an attitude adjustment. Watching a storm from a couch,window seat, or bed, especially as it grows dark, can be thrilling...cracking the window so that you can hear rain's melody--patters on a windowpane, drips through leaves, drizzle down drainpipes--is so soothing...breathe in the fragrance of rain before you shut the door behind you....A spring rain smells fresh and earthy; the fragrance of a summer shower is spicy, like incense....Rainy days are powerful personal prompts sent to remind us that in our desire to accomplish so much each day, we cherish ordinary time-outs too little. "

Then she also talks about developing a Rainy Day Cupboard, the "saving grace of Victorian mothers".
In these treasure troves of inspiration were neat, clearly marked boxes of arts and crafts supplies, games and novelties that were enjoyed only on rainy days.
This idea is great for small children (I would need to work on the neat, clearly marked part), but she also suggests it for us, the women/mothers. She insists you don't have to be crafty. Go beyond the norm, and walk through a crafts shop and find something that catches your interest: beads, leather, pottery, stained glass, ribbon, paper, framing, carpentry...there are lots of kits out there, even. She also has mixing bowls with all the non-perishable ingredients to make yummy treats. (pp. 106-110)


Well, I should close off here. Maybe get out of these sweats and into the shower.

It's amazing. The whole time I've been typing here, my kids have been busy in the basement, discovering old toys in a box, and creating rooms out of some big boxes. They have not asked for the TV once! Maybe when we start the day with creativity, it catches on for the rest of the day...

Enjoy the rain!

P.S. This post is meant to inspire new ideas, not guilt...I know I've been in a rut...we all have them. I struggle with depression. I struggle with being overwhelmed. But this week, I started using my creativity for new things...and it's been refreshing (and yes, suppers got pushed back and bedtimes suffered, but I feel it was worth least for this time). Okay, I'm done now!

Spilt Smoothie

"Don't cry over spilt milk" (or in this case, smoothie). Oh, I almost did yesterday. I was so tired and feeling drained. I ended up making this smoothie quite thick, so instead of pouring, it suddenly all came out and "splat", it went everywhere. It took me a few minutes, but I was able to joke with my kids about it (instead of cry).

Mom-Friendly and Earth-Friendly

Just a little advertisement for an amazing business:

Easy Eco Baby is proud to be a part of Earth Day celebrations throughout Manitoba this year. Kick off Earth Week by attending our next Mom 2 Mom event at Babies in Bloom.

WHEN: Friday April 17th, 2009 Time: 10am to 12pm
WHERE: Babies in Bloom, Corydon Village Mall, 6 - 1700 Corydon Avenue, Phone #: 415-2756

Bring the kids, stay and play. Enjoy tasty snacks, check out our displays and enter to win earth friendly prizes! Space is limited so please RSVP to by April 15th, 2009.


You've probably been waiting for us to update this blog. We're all waiting for spring to arrive (or stay). If you've been driving in this weather, you've probably done your share of waiting in traffic. And if you're like several in our family, you're waiting for a persistent cough to clear up.

Waiting. Most of us aren't that crazy about waiting. Or good at it. My kids are notoriously impatient. I think they come by it honestly. Where am I going with this? I'm not even sure. That's what I like about the creative process. You never know where it might lead. It's like a great novel or an exciting adventure.

My friend is doing a lot of waiting these days. She broke her ankle in three places. Now she waits for it to heal. And waits for others to do things for her, when normally she is the one making things happen (and a lot of things happen at once, I might add).

I have experienced the waiting that comes with pregnancy three times. With the first came lots of reflection and anticipation...and a little trepidation. The second and third went by much faster, with less time to savour the experience.

With our business, we've done a lot of waiting...waiting for the breakthrough...where everything we've done starts to come together in synergy and our business takes off. Well, I think the waiting is over. It feels a little surreal at times, to see our dream becoming a reality, but I think it's slowly sinking in. It's been a long time coming.

I think the waiting has enlarged us (like being pregnant). I think it has expanded our capacity for hope. I think it has increased our ability to trust. I think it has opened up our hearts to be more grateful. I hope so.

Rodney and I often find it difficult to find the balance between "doing the stuff"and trusting. Sometimes it comes down to receiving the wisdom to do the "right stuff at the right time" and sometimes it is simply receiving a gift we could never have orchestrated ourselves. Those gifts "out of the blue" remind us of the vastness of God, so that we don't over-inflate (or over-work) our limited selves.

What are you waiting for? Have you been feeling desperate? Have you nearly given up hope? Do you wonder if you are foolish to believe it will happen? Are you afraid of disappointment? The one who created us waits for us to turn to him. He knows our hearts. He knows what we need. He is fully capable of meeting those needs. Our part is to expectation (and with a bit more "stillness" than my children!)

Well, I think I got to where I needed to go. I hope the path was scenic enough.

...I'm waiting to hear from you!

The Kind of Day it's Been

Oops! It's 10:27 p.m. and I'm trying to cram in a post before bed. It's been a long week so far with my husband busy preparing for and presenting a seminar-type talk at the Winnipeg South camera club. I'm looking forward to a night off from putting the kids to bed.

But tonight was good. Maybe not stellar as far as early bedtimes go, but fairly enjoyable. Supper was ready at 5:30 (yay for crockpots). Managed to scrounge up enough energy to get the kids to help with cleaning up the disastrous-looking kitchen floor. Kids got pajamas on fairly painlessly. After making night snack, I took off for a little "me" time and played piano. My eldest joined me and we sang a duet! Red a fun story from the library...twice! (Minerva Louise and the Red Truck or something). Very cute. Tickled and chased my youngest (I love his laugh!) rather than fighting over who would take his diaper off, his clothes off, etc. Managed to curb the kids' desires to be distracted without too much nagging or time-wasting. Talk/Tuck In time got a little long, but not too bad. Two-year-old went to sleep easily and quickly! He's been fighting sleep so much. He was rubbing his ears last night, so I asked him if they hurt. We started putting in Similasan Homeopathic Ear Drops and he's been sleeping better. Yay! (google to learn more). Just been puttering around on the computer mostly sister sent me flowers on Facebook!

Hope my hubby comes home soon! Anyone been reading any good books lately?


Well, after posting about my adorable, lovable two-year-old, he turned over a new leaf and has become fiercely independent, openly defiant, and generally very challenging to deal with. And not napping very easily. Oh, the joys of motherhood! He's still great, but I find myself exhausted by all the emotional skirmishes. And with number three, mommy finds herself yelling right back! Sigh...

On another front, I just posted "How to make Chicken Noodle Soup" on our Eve blog. Feel free to check it out if you're in a space that feels like soup-making might be possible. It can be quite satisfying, especially if Daddy is with the kids and it's more like a little creative "me" time.

Enjoy the snow!

So cute...

Just have to share a photo of my youngest. I love this age (well, except for when he's growly or throwing things). He's so cuddly and he's learning words all the time. Here's my baby...
What is your favorite age or stage?


I ran across these when I was doing a speech on nature. Isn't it wild to look back at old photographs? It's amazing how much kids change in two years...

Stre - tch - ing

I'm actually NOT going to talk about stretching in the yoga or physical sense of the word. Today, I'm thinking about being stretched intellectually. As mothers in the thick of mothering small ones, life tends to become a series of repetitious acts: lots of feeding, diapering, getting off to sleep, cleaning up etc. There can be lots of joy in that...lots of love...lots of rewards. There can also be a sense of despair that sets in: "I'm never any farther than I was the day before". We become easy candidates for depression, often unaware of it at the time. "Why is everything so hard right now?" When we give and give (night and day), we burn out. We get grouchy. Even start feeling like the victim in it all. (Or am I the only one?!! I don't think so).

Good things to do in those times or to prevent getting that low can include: getting some time alone or with a friend, doing one nice thing for yourself (like taking a long bath instead of doing the dishes when the kids are in bed), asking for help, or....learning something new! Some of us probably find it easier to do some of these things than others, for various reasons. That's okay. But we do all need a certain amount of attention and care ourselves or we self-destruct. Because we have limits. We can't do it all. When a battery's energy is being depleted by long use, it needs to be recharged. So do we.

These days I've often been feeling low. There's always more to do than I can handle, we've all ben struggling with illness since Christmas, not sleeping well at night, and other things I won't go into. But one thing I started in January, in the middle of all of this, was a pubic speaking course. Sound crazy? Maybe. But I'm doing something that's getting me closer to a dream of mine...a dream that had been dormant for quite some time...the dream of speaking to women. Plus, learning is a passion that also has been unpursued in the past six years.

So, I'm taking this course. And I'm learning. And I'm being stretched. And it's giving me energy. Yesterday was my first prepared speech. I went into it, feeling very insecure and under-prepared all day. Then, suddenly, it was show-time. And I did well! Sure, I hand-clasped and rushed at the end, but I did it! And I was happy with it. And I've been on a bit of a high ever since. It hasn't been easy trying to squeeze in the time to prepare and rehearse, but it's given me an outlet for my creativity, a place for me to grow and try things, an opportunity to say, "I did that and I'm proud".

If you're in a place in your mothering where you can take a bit of time away from your kids, I encourage you to go out and try something new. Str-etch a little. It will be so worth it! And if you're right in the newborn phase, try to snatch up the time you can to read something or write something or even take a Mom-and-baby Pilates class or something. You'll gain all the energy back you put into it and more!

Things to be Happy About

- blowing raspberries on bellies followed by big belly laughs
- my first child losing his first tooth
- it's warmer today than yesterday
- actually playing with my children with nothing more than a row of kitchen chairs, 2 balls, and a 2 duplo boxes
- having leftovers on hand for an easy lunch
- my children sleeping better at night
- my son's lice (yes, it happened here!) is under control and no one else seems to have them

And while I'm thinking about things to be happy about, there are two businesses that come to mind right now. One is EasyEco Baby, which is providing Winnipeg with the first environmentally-friendly disposable diapers available online, as well as other wonderful products. The second is Enamoured Heart, personalized bracelets for Mom & Baby, in addition to many other fine jewellery items. Both are owned and operated by Winnipeg moms, and both graciously donated prizes for our birthday bash two weeks ago. Thanks again. Your generosity makes me smile!

I had wanted to include some fun photos with my "Things to be Happy About", but I just haven't used my camera in a while, so please bear with me as I try to improve this blog. Hope the rest of your week is filled with small happinesses as you love on your little ones!

Ta Da Lists

(No, that is not a typo). We're all familiar with To Do Lists. They're the things we make when we want to get a lot done and we don't want to forget anything. But how many of us take the time to make a Ta Da List? They're a list of the things we've accomplished (whether in a day, a week, or a year). If we take just a few minutes, we can show ourselves that, yes, we are doing things that are important and valuable. Sometimes those things otherwise go unnoticed, often because we do them almost every day (like making meals). Sometimes, we lose track of some of things we've given our time to because they're spaced so far apart (like planning a birthday party).

My Ta Da List for Today

- got up with my two-year-old at 6:00 a.m.
- had a shower and blow dried my hair
- got dressed and enjoyed how I looked
- made smoothies for everyone at breakfast
- sorted out some of the laundry that was getting wrinkly...folded some of it
- started two more loads
- played piano and sang worship songs
- read to my kids twice (mostly, I admit to try to get them to stop being in my hair, but thoroughly enjoyed it both times)
- made a healthy lunch that I haven't made forever (black beans & rice a la Cuba/Brazil)
- had a good phone conversation with another woman
- followed up my press releases from yesterday with three emails and got a response
- wrote out a computer "to-do list"
- cleared the table completely after lunch (this is quite an accomplishment for me)
- corrected my four-year-old with a decent amount of graciousness and understanding
- laughed out loud
- started this post

So, can see, that quite an ordinary morning can seem almost extraordinary when you stop to realize all you've done. Please note that there are some things I left out of the list like: having a mini panic attack and starting to take it out on the kids when I wasn't getting any business stuff done, dealing with screaming and fighting children and juice messes, and feeling a bit of guilt at not getting my son down for a nap when he probably really needed one.

I encourage you to try it now. Whatever you're in the midst of, just sit down with a piece of paper and a pen and do it (or type it in Word). I'd love to hear it! We all need to celebrate the little things more.

What a Great Night!

I just want to say how much I enjoyed talking to people last night. Thank you to all the Moms for your helpful feedback. It was neat to connect with you and figure out how we might be able to make this blog community work.

Trina, if you're reading this, you won the gift bag from Tiber River (here's there blog). Why don't you come out to the studio sometime soon, see your beautiful photos and pick up your prize?!

It was surprising to me to hear that I could be thought of as "amazing" for doing all that I do and writing here. We often focus on what we're struggling with as moms juggling so many things, that we forget what we are accomplishing and that we can only expect so much of ourselves, and to just accept where we're at.

That first year of baby's life is so all-consuming, I think we forget the magnitude of what it takes to mother a newborn: the sleep loss, the endless giving of ourselves, the incredible chaos of adhering to someone else's "schedule" on a continual basis, the lack of self-care and personal time and even just the ability to be alone with your thoughts that are apt to occur, the hormones and post-partum depression that are often not even taken into consideration when we're passing judgment on ourselves, the isolation that can all takes its toll on a woman. We've got to recognize this and be gracious to ourselves. And it's not only the first year. I've heard women say it took three years to really come back to themselves...and when you continue the cycle by having your next child before that, it can be six or more years before that "normalcy" returns. In the meantime, it's important to accept the "new normal" and work within our limitations.

I look forward to your feedback on how to make this a place of support, community, and inspiration. Please feel free to comment. If you don't blog yourself or have a gmail account, just click on "Name/URL" and type your name in the box (don't worry about the optional one). Write your comment and hit "Publish your comment". (You may be asked to type in something you see in a box just to verify you're a real person and not a computer program). Hope this helps.

Looking forward to hearing from you and making this a place you want to come to. Thanks again for coming. It was wonderful.