
Diaper Rash Tips

If you're looking for a simple way to prevent diaper rash and even treat it, use grapeseed oil (sometimes, not always in Superstore) in a little squeeze bottle and apply at every diaper change. It replaces the oils that are stripped away by wipes and protects the skin. Add a few drops of lavendar essential oil and the anti-inflammatory/anti-bacterial properties bring healing to even quite bad rashes. Tiber River Naturals is one place you can find essential oils (I'm quite sure they carry lavendar). Grapeseed oil could probably substituted by other oils, but I've never tried them. You could ask a massage therapist for ideas. Alternately, you could try Tiber River's Bottom's Up cream which can be used all over and contains calendula among other things.

Click on the wikipedia links to learn more properties of grapeseed oil, lavendar and calendula. They each have many uses!

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