
Keeping Warm

If you're like me (and I imagine, most moms), now that winter is here, you're looking for ways to make the outdoor experience a little more fun and a little less frustrating for you and your kids. You want them to get some sun and fresh air and to get their pent-up energy out. But they either come in too soon or they are constantly asking you to deal with the snow that is getting in between their cuff and mitt.

Well, one day when my eldest was a toddler, I came up with an idea that seems to help: "wrist guards".

  1. Take a sock one size too small
  2. Cut off the foot at a bit of an angle just before the heel
  3. Cut a small hole at the heel corner (for the thumb).

When these are under the mitts, the kids seems to withstand a lot more snow getting in there and are more content playing. Try it! (email me if you have questions). The only thing I find with this very crude invention is that the thumb hole can rip/stretch and not provide proper coverage after that.


Debbie Haughland Chan said...
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Debbie Haughland Chan said...

What a great idea, Sonya! I like it. I wonder if the thumb hole might be more stable if you stitched a bit of ribbon or something around it.